MD304798 | DYND70900 | E*Kits Suture Removal Trays - Suture Removal Tray With Metal Iris & Forceps - Suture Removal Tray; Suture Removal Tray; 50 Each / Case; |  |
MD312811 | DYND70900 | E*Kits Suture Removal Trays - Suture Removal Tray With Metal Iris & Forceps - Suture Removal Tray; Contains: Scissors (Stainless Iris, Straight), Forceps (Wire Metal), Gauze (3" x 3"), Alcohol Prep Pad, PVP Prep Pad; 50 Each / Case; |  |
MD304801 | DYND70900H | E*Kits Suture Removal Trays - Suture Removal Tray With Metal Scissors & Forceps - Suture Removal Tray; Suture Removal Tray; 1 Each / Each |  |
MD312812 | DYND70900H | E*Kits Suture Removal Trays - Suture Removal Tray With Metal Scissors & Forceps - Suture Removal Tray; Contents: stainless straight Iris scissors, metal wire forceps, 1 3"x3" gauze, 1 alcohol prep pad, 1 PVP prep pad; 1 Each / Each |  |
MD304821 | DYND71010 | E*Kits Suture Removal Trays - Suture Removal Tray With Stainless Steel - Suture Removal Tray; Suture Removal Tray; 40 Each / Case; |  |
MD313154 | DYND71010 | E*Kits Suture Removal Trays - Suture Removal Tray With Stainless Steel - Suture Removal Tray; Contains: Scissors (Stainless Iris, Straight), Forceps (Stainless Adson, Serrated), Gauze (4" x 4"), Alcohol Prep Pad; 40 Each / Case; |  |
MD304806 | DYND71020 | E*Kits Suture Removal Trays - Suture Removal Tray With Littauer Scissors - Suture Removal Tray; Suture Removal Tray; 40 Each / Case; |  |
MD312842 | DYND71020 | E*Kits Suture Removal Trays - Suture Removal Tray With Littauer Scissors - Suture Removal Tray; Contains: Scissors (Wire Littauer), Forceps (Plastic), Gauze (4" x 4"), Alcohol Prep Pad; 40 Each / Case; |  |
MD304820 | DYNJ07254A | E*Kits Suture Removal Trays - Suture Removal Tray With Metal Iris & Adson Forceps - Suture Removal Tray; Suture Removal Tray; 100 Each / Case; |  |
MD313155 | DYNJ07254A | E*Kits Suture Removal Trays - Suture Removal Tray With Metal Iris & Adson Forceps - Suture Removal Tray; Contains: Scissors (Stainless Iris, Straight), Forceps (Stainless Adson, Serrated), Gauze (3" x 3"), Alcohol Prep Pad; 100 Each / Case; |  |
MD304811 | MDS701550 | E*Kits Suture Removal Trays - Suture Removal Tray With Metal Scissors & PVP - Suture Removal Tray; Suture Removal Tray; 50 Each / Case; |  |
MD313156 | MDS701550 | E*Kits Suture Removal Trays - Suture Removal Tray With Metal Scissors & PVP - Suture Removal Tray; Contains: Scissors (Wire Littauer), Forceps (Plastic), Gauze (3" x 3"), PVP Prep Pad; 50 Each / Case; |  |
MD313171 | MDS701550H | F-SUTURE REM TRAY,METAL SCIS, PVP; Contains: Scissors (Wire Littauer), Forceps (Plastic), Gauze (3" x 3"), PVP Prep Pad; 1 Each / Each |  |
MD304802 | MDS707555 | E*Kits Suture Removal Trays - Suture Removal Tray With Metal Littauer Scissors - Suture Removal Tray; Suture Removal Tray; 50 Each / Case; |  |
MD313170 | MDS707555 | E*Kits Suture Removal Trays - Suture Removal Tray With Metal Littauer Scissors - Suture Removal Tray; Contains: Scissors (Wire Littauer), Forceps (Plastic), Gauze (3" x 3"); 50 Each / Case; |  |
MD313172 | MDS707555H | SUTURE REM TRAY MTL LITT SCISSORS DISPOSABLE WIRE LITTAUER SCISSORS, PLASTIC FORCEPS, 3" X 3" 12-PLY GAUZE; Contains: Scissors (Wire Littauer), Forceps (Plastic), Gauze (3" x 3"); 1 Each / Each |  |
MD312810 | MDS707555Z | SUTURE REM TRAY MTL LITT SCISSORS IC FORCEPS, 3" X 3" 12-PLYGAUZE; Contains: Scissors (Wire Littauer), Forceps (Plastic), Gauze (3" x 3"); 12 Each / Case; |  |
MD304797 | MDS708550 | E*Kits Suture Removal Trays - Suture Removal Tray With Littauer Scissors & Metal Forceps - Suture Removal Tray; Suture Removal Tray; 50 Each / Case; |  |
MD312840 | MDS708550 | E*Kits Suture Removal Trays - Suture Removal Tray With Littauer Scissors & Metal Forceps - Suture Removal Tray; Contains: Scissors (Wire Littauer), Forceps (Wire Metal), Gauze (3" x 3"), PVP Prep Pad; 50 Each / Case; |  |
MD304795 | MDS708555 | E*Kits Suture Removal Trays - Suture Removal Tray With Metal Scissors & Adson Forceps - Suture Removal Tray; Suture Removal Tray; 100 Each / Case; |  |
MD312841 | MDS708555 | E*Kits Suture Removal Trays - Suture Removal Tray With Metal Scissors & Adson Forceps - Suture Removal Tray; Contains: Scissors (Stainless Littauer), Forceps (Stainless Adson, Serrated), Gauze (3" x 3"), Alcohol Prep Pad, PVP Prep Pad; 100 Each / Case; |  |
MD313137 | MDS708555H | ; Contains: Scissors (Stainless Littauer), Forceps (Stainless Adson, Serrated), Gauze (3" x 3"), Alcohol Prep Pad, PVP Prep Pad; 1 Each / Each |  |